Monday, July 13, 2009

Blog browsing and killing time before he gets home.

So my fella is away, for simply ages it seems. He's taken the ipod and the camera, but at least I have the car and the king-sized bed. When he goes I pig out on veggie food, and don't have to share those bottles of red. But I don't sleep soundly without him next to me, and miss the board game challenges we have...
At least I've got this boy for company. Hurrah for Mr Cricket!

So, what have I been doing? Well, I did get some of those things from the list completed. I baked my little heart out, and have discovered some new irresistible cookie. They are more like biscuits actually, perfect with a cup of tea. Find the recipe here. I've taken a reader's advice, and highly recommend that their little bottoms be covered in white chocolate. Simply delicious. I've also been sewing until my back aches and my fingers hurt. An ugly quilt is almost complete. Initially I thought the combination of avocado green, burnt orange and rich brown worked. Now on mass they look like a hang-over from the 70s. What was I thinking? But so much love and energy goes into a quilt, it has to grow on me. In consolation, I'm planning my next big sewing project. Thinking blue stars with yellow middles. Taking a class on the weekend on cutting triangles in order to prepare. It will be my first patchwork class, and I'm nervous. Hopefully everyone else isn't a mamma. Will a childless 20s chick fit in? Probably not, but my sewing skills will improve hugely. Plus it is great to get to know some of the local patchwork community.

Blogs I'm interested in:

Open - Melbs deliciousness, my fave smelly store was featured today!
Vegan and Vintage offshoot - Little Love Lost
And the source of the biscuit recipe - Joy the Baker. Has to be my favourite. Love baking and happen to have the middle name of Joy. One of my goals in life is to be a better baker after all. Told my fella this, who said I would just have to practice if I want to improve. He doesn't mind at all.

Received a beautiful silk badge corsage in the mail today from my crafty and creative friend Ris. Got to love her work. Images will be up at some stage, when the camera is either repaired or returned. Have to find some pics to liven this up after all...

Reading through the Half Blood Prince, in preparation from the film coming out on Wednesday. So sappy, but so excited. Until then muggles...

Happy sewing, baking, reading...

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